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Points to Ponder Archive

Restrict Munitions: Why do we restrict munitions for self-defense against foreign invasion while sending munitions to a country that drops bombs on civilian refugees? Why not give Ukraine what they need to thwart the Russian invasion, the world has everything to gain and nothing to lose? Why not require that peace be negotiated for the sake of refugees and hostages while limiting offensive use of munitions from US?

Assault Weapons: Why are assault guns of war available as civilian toys? Why not reinstitute an assault weapon ban? Why does a magazine need 30 bullets? Won't 10 be enough to kill a deer or hit a target? Why does a healthcare worker need a background check but not someone to buy a gun? How can pro-life mean pro-gun?

Women's Bodies: Why do I, as a woman, no longer have a say over my own body? Where is my human dignity and right to life?

Truth: There is no alternative to truth no matter how many times lies are repeated. It will be our demise if we turn lies into truths and we no longer trust what we know is TRUTH.    June 2024 gc


                                                                       Ukraine Then Israel/Gaza

War on Two Fronts: Lurking in the background are COVID, RSV, and the flu. Putin's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine is ongoing. The original outrage now only has a simmer of attention and world fatigue. But for the people of Ukraine uncertainty of life and death persists as long as Russian troops are there. We must not forget nor abandon Ukraine.

The attack on Israel by Hamas in October was an atrocity equivalent to the holocaust by Hitler. Israel does have to protect itself from future events. Can the total animation of Gaza and civilian Palestinians be justified? Softening the targets by unrelenting bombings, similar to what the US did during Vietnam, is as unconscionable today as it was then. Rape used to be the collateral damage for women during wars, is death more acceptable for innocent civilians in Palestine?

What's the purpose of Hamas taking hostages, what does that accomplish? Negotiating for exchange of prisoners will be a short term solution to their plight.

Have we totally lost our moral compass and humanity as we even tolerate these events? November 2023 gc



                                                                         Once Again

War: Just when it looks like COVID pandemic will resolve Putin attacks Ukraine and the world is at war. It is the world because NATO must also defend its borders.

Horror: Hate mongering by insecure, indoctrinated puppets continues to infest the US. How does killing children cure the emotional insecurity of a shooter? How does killing Asians or Blacks make a white shooter bigger, better, stronger?

Have we totally lost our moral compass and humanity as we even tolerate these events without action?

Why are assault guns of war available as civilian toys? Why not reinstitute an assault weapon ban? Why does a magazine need 30 bullets? Won't 10 be enough to kill a deer or hit a target? Why does a caretaker need a background check but not someone to buy a gun? Why does the NRA lobby pay to play with politicians? How can pro-life mean pro-gun?  June 2023 gc


                                                                        New Beginnings

A new year brings new hope for revival of truth, lawfulness, mutual respect, protection of our environment, federal response and direction to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

Truth, transparency and science will be the new norm to overcome the distrust created during the past four years. This is really a time for a new beginning  and I can't wait to see how we thrive.

One Truth
We enter a new era of governance for the people, by people like us who are the intergenerational, intermingling of people from all walks of life, all races, religions, unique sexual orientations and gender identity, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. January 2020 gc

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